As we get deeper into the holiday season, I think it's a good time to tackle a subject that's on everyone's mind. We love it, we hate it, we chase it... yup, you guessed it: money! Let's dive into how it works in
Dissent on Mars.
The first thing you should know is that Martians don't use the same currency as Earthlings, so don't expect to see any dollars, pounds, or euros. Instead, they use a new currency called credits. Here's what the symbol looks like:

To keep track of their credits, each colonist has an income card. These are used to make purchases and will record how money was spent or received, which may be useful if you want to see how someone amassed their wealth.
Accumulable and TransferableJust like
allocation systems and
property rights, you can change the rules for how money works while designing your society. You'll need to decide if money is accumulable and transferable.
If you decide it shouldn't be accumulable, everyone's income card will be cleared after a length of time.
If you decide it shouldn't be transferable, money will only be usable by the first person who receives it, and it will only be accepted to buy new products.
If your colony uses a market, money must be accumulable and transferable since that's the only way a market can work.
ConclusionNow that you know how money works, we need to talk about the different ways people can receive it. This will be my first post in 2024!
I hope everyone has a great holiday season and a happy new year! 2023 had an insane amount of work for me, but seeing people excited to play makes everything worth it. I can't wait to share more with you next year!
Wishlist and Follow Dissent on MarsDon't forget to
wishlist and follow the game so you can see our future posts! It would be great if you could tell your friends about it too.
Thanks for reading,