Goals pt. 2

Started by Michael, Feb 28, 2025, 01:32 PM

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There are different types of goals you can achieve in Dissent on Mars. In the last post, we talked about global goals and long-term goals. Today, we're going to look at short-term goals, which are randomly generated based on colonist requests.

Short-Term Goals
Many different short-term goals can appear, and the objectives may be different each time you see them. For simplicity's sake, I'm just going to show you a few of my favorites:

House Wanted – Sometimes colonists will want to live in a new house that's custom-built for them. I usually play the game hyper-focused on the economic goals, so this goal is a nice change of pace for me. I enjoy chilling and building a house that fits someone's personality.

No Job Wanted – In a previous post, we talked about traits and how they can influence a colonist's behavior. If a colonist is lazy, they may want to be the only person who isn't employed. In some economies, this can be a real challenge, and you'll need to think systemically to come up with a solution.

Product Buddy Wanted – Sometimes colonists will want to use a product alongside someone else. For example, they may want to have a meal with someone. It gives me a warm fuzzy feeling to achieve this goal, but it also presents an opportunity to build parks and other public spaces where people can do things together.

Sabotage Wanted – If a colonist is a rebel, they may want you to sabotage a business! You'll need to make sure an owner doesn't receive any income for ownership, and nothing puts a bigger grin on my face than watching a filthy rich colonist not make any money!

Top Product Wanted – A lot of the goals in this game revolve around the economy, and this one is a perfect example of that. Colonists may want a certain product to be one of the top-selling products in the colony. There's a menu where you can see the ranking of each product, and you'll need to figure out different ways to influence the economy to achieve this goal!

Hopefully, this gives you an idea of how short-term goals work in the game. In combination with global goals and long-term goals, I think you'll have plenty of things to do!

Wishlist and Follow Dissent on Mars
If you haven't yet, please wishlist and follow the game so you can stay connected! It would be great if you could tell your friends about it too.

Thanks for reading,
