Consumption Rights

Started by Michael, Jan 12, 2024, 01:34 PM

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Having an income lets people buy products, but which principles should determine how we receive income? In Dissent on Mars, your answer to this question changes the rules of the game.

Let's dive into these concepts so you can see how they work in-game!

For Need
If citizens receive income for need, income could be provided to cover everyone's need for food, hygiene, and more. Once your colony is built, you can set the exact amount at a government building.

For Ownership
If citizens receive income for ownership, they'll receive income based on the productive property they own. For example, if someone owns a factory, the owner will receive income based on what the factory sells.

This principle is dependent on how productive property is owned. For example, this can't work if productive property is owned by the state, or if it's shared by everyone in society.

For Power
If citizens receive income for power, they'll receive income based on the amount of bargaining power they have to negotiate prices.

To enable this principle, your society will need to use a market for resource allocation.

If you're unsure what I mean by "bargaining power", imagine there's a producer that has a monopoly on food. Since there's no competition, they could gouge their prices to the sky, therefore receiving more income. If there was more competition, this would be harder to pull off since the competitors could keep their prices low, potentially taking business away from the price gouger.

For Work
If citizens receive income for work, they'll receive income based on the amount of work they put in towards an economic activity.

This principle is pretty self-explanatory, and I imagine most people reading this are already familiar with how it works!

Hopefully, this gives you an idea of the different ways people can receive income! In short, citizens can receive income for need, ownership, power, or work.

Now, here's the real question: how will citizens receive income in your society?

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Thanks for reading,
