Dissent on Mars Forums

Dissent on Mars => News => Topic started by: Michael on Aug 15, 2023, 06:11 AM

Title: Introducing Dissent on Mars
Post by: Michael on Aug 15, 2023, 06:11 AM
Hey everyone! My name is Michael Hicks, and I've been developing Dissent on Mars with my friend Gonçalo Antunes for several years now. Gonçalo draws the art, while I handle the design, programming, and music. Today, we're excited to announce that it's coming to Steam in 2024!

If you haven't watched the trailer yet, check it out:

In the coming weeks, we'll be publishing blog posts that explore aspects of the game in more detail, so please wishlist and follow it on Steam (https://store.steampowered.com/app/2138560/) if you're interested!

This has been a dream project of mine for a long time, so I hope you're as excited to play it as I am to make it :D

Can't wait to share more,
